Tawa Medical Centre
The Tawa Medical Centre has been supporting the residents of Tawa with their health since 1965. Tawa Medical Centre has a wide range of services on-site including lab services and North City Physiotherapy. Our friendly team is ready to assist you with all your healthcare needs.
Opening Hours
Monday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Public Holidays: Closed
Meri Kirihimete
ngā mihi o te tau hou
Tawa Medical Centre Christmas hours
Closed Wednesday 25th December (Christmas Day)
Closed Thursday 26th December (Boxing Day)
Closed Wednesday 1st January 2025 (New Year’s Day)
Closed Thursday 2nd January 2025 (observe New Year)
For urgent out of hours care.
Kenepuru Accident & Medical Clinic
16 Hospital Road, Kenepuru, Porirua
Phone 918 2300
After Hours Care
If you need after hours care please attend the Kenepuru Accident and Medical Clinic in Kenepuru Hospital.
Kenepuru Accident and Medical Clinic
Kenepuru Hospital, Raiha Street, Porirua
04 918 2300
Our Team

Dr Catherine Rourke

Dr Brandon Casserly
General Practitioner MBBCh, DRCOG, MRCGP (UK), FRNZCGP

Dr Sharmila Dias
General Practitioner BSc (Hons), MB BS, MRCPCH, DTM&H, MRCGP

Dr Richard Fuller
General Practitioner BMedSci(Hons) BMBS MRCGP

Dr Bianca Yu
General Practitioner
We have recently moved from the UK and we are already in love with New Zealand. I am excited to get to know the area and settle in to the local community. I have an interest in all aspects of General Practice and getting to know my patients is what I love best about being a GP. I feel lucky to be able to work closely with my patients in their journey through health.
I trained in the UK and have been working as a GP for 15 years down in Cornwall, the land of pasties, tractors, surf and mizzle (rain and mist!)
Most of my spare time is spent playing with my two young boys splashing in the water or challenging each other to go down the highest slides we can find! I love being in the water – swimming, bodyboarding or snorkeling. As a family we love trying new foods and cooking together – not always successfully!

Dr Lisanne Vat
General Practitioner
I have recently moved to New Zealand and already enjoy living in this beautiful area.
It is a pleasure to be able to work with the team at Tawa Medical Centre.
I was born, raised and trained in The Netherlands. I have been a medical doctor since 2013. After having worked in several departments of hospitals, I decided to become a GP because I am interested in not only one, but all aspects of medicine and health. I completed my GP training in 2018. I enjoy being able to meet and help people in various stages of life and health.
Outside of work I love to spend as much time as I can in the beautiful outdoors New Zealand has to offer. Together with my husband I enjoy hiking, mountain biking, running and scuba diving.

Dr Zoe Fudakowski
General Practitioner
I completed my medical degree with the University of Otago. I worked in various specialties in the hospital in New Zealand and Australia before undertaking GP training. I gained my fellowship with the Royal New Zealand College of GP’s in 2021.
I enjoy the huge variety of general practice, and the ongoing relationship we get to develop with patients. In my spare time I spend time with my family, I enjoy hiking and trying to learn new languages

Kate Hall

Kia Ora I’m Amy.
In 2001 I started my journey with ambulance and after graduating with a Bachelor in Health Science-Paramedicine Degree, worked as an Intensive Care Paramedic throughout the Wellington Region.
I understand the relationship between health and the home environment, and this forms part of my approach in both the routine and acute appointments with you.
I’m excited to be part of the team at Tawa, I really enjoy what I do here, and it’s been great to meet so many members of the Tawa Community.
On my days off I enjoy spending time with my husband and two young children reading, and growing my skills in the veggie garden.

Dr Katie Tinkler
General Practitioner

Dr Su Domingo

Gaye Kyne
Nurse Manager
My name is Gaye and I am the Nurse Manager at Tawa. Many of you will have seen me around Tawa as I have lived here since 1976, first with my parents and siblings then since 1983 with my husband and our family. 3 of our 5 children are currently residing overseas in Canada, Perth and London.
Tawa Medical Centre has been my 2nd home for the last 15 years. Working and caring for my community over this time has been both a rewarding and challenging job. Outside of work hours you will see me walking my beagle around Tawa regardless of the weather.

Clinical Co-Ordinator
I was born and raised in Far North Qld, Australia in a little place called Proserpine – the gateway to the tropical Whitsunday Islands.
I earned a Bachelor of Nursing Science and worked as a general RN in Townsville, Qld Australia.
After a number of years nursing, I headed off to the UK to travel the world and supplemented my wanderlust by nursing in London.
There, I dabbled in many fields of nursing and found my first position as a Practice Nurse.
I eventually met my husband who is a Kiwi & together we left for Australia where I then switched it up to become a midwife.
After a few years in Sydney, & becoming engaged, we decided to move back to NZ and start our family in Auckland, which led me back to my love of Practice Nursing.
We moved to Wellington a few years ago now with my 2 boys and Hubby, and found Tawa Medical Centre just before the crazy of Covid in 2020!
Outside of work, you will find me on the side of a sports field, come rain, hail or shine cheering a squad of boys on!
I now dream of travelling, and love spending time with my boys visiting new places.
I still love Nursing and enjoy the diversity of what life is about.

Triage Phone Nurse

Te Atamira
He uri tēnei nō Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Koroki Kahukura, Ngā Puhi me Te Whānau-ā-Apanu. Kua tipu ake au I raro I te maru o Ngāti Toa Rangatira . My purpose is to ensure that I cooperate in manaakitanga (caring), kaitiakitanga (protection), rangatiratanga (leadership), whanaungatanga (kinship), pukengatanga
(skills and growth), wairuatanga (spirituality), kotahitanga (unity and
solidarity), pumautanga (stability) and tino rangatiratanga
(self-determination) into my practice as a nurse.
I grew up under the umbrella of Te Kōhanga Reo which meant that I was surrounded with Te reo Māori, Tikanga Māori, protocols, understanding Tapu and Noa, waiata, oriori, moteatea, taking care of elders and how to make the best cup of tea. I studied at Whitireia polytech. My life goal is to care, support and help people get or feel better. My external passions include Mirimiri & Romiromi and Rongoa Māori.
“Tūwhitia te hopo, mairangatia te angitū!
Feel the fear and do it anyway!”

Kia Ora, my name is Megan.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing from Massey University in 2020.
I am passionate about working in Primary Health where I am able to provide both preventative health care to those who are well, and support and education for those living with long-term conditions.
On my days off I enjoy spending time with my family, movies and gardening.

I qualified as a registered nurse in Christchurch in 1984.
I worked mainly as a surgical nurse prior to having some time off when we had four children.
I began work at Tawa Medical Centre in 2019. I feel priviledged to be part of this great team and enjoy the variety of practice nursing.
I enjoy spending time with my family. I like to run and go on bushwalks to keep fit.

Kia Ora! My name is Grace. I am Tokelauan, born and raised in Porirua. I completed my nursing degree in 2017 through the Pacific programme at Whitireia. I started practice nursing as a new grad and have been in primary care ever since. I chose primary care mainly because I had a young infant. I have since grown to appreciate the challenges that come with primary care.
I am super grateful that the team here at Tawa allows me the flexibility to work full time and also be present for my son. I
value spending time with my family. In my spare time, you’ll likely find me cooking or trying out new recipes. I also love fishing and karaoke (both of which I’m pretty average at). If you see me around, say hello.

I was born in Greece and moved wth my family as a child, living in Wellington ever since.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing in 2000 and the majority of my nursing career has been as a Practice Nurse. Decided to take a break from General Practice and worked in the hospital for 1 year. This confirmed by passion for Practice Nursing and returned starting at Tawa Medical

I was born and raised in Southern India and moved to Wellington with my family in my early teens and completed my schooling in Wellington which is my home now.
After completing my Bachelor’s in Anatomy, and then Bachelor’s in Podiatry, I worked in Dunedin and Napier. I have finally moved back home to Wellington to be close to my family.
I am quite passionate about helping people with foot, ankle, knee and other lower limb problems. I love helping patients through their recover and rehabilitation and seeing them become pain-free. I believe that every patient has a unique story, and establishing a good history and report allows me to focus on the issue to give my undivided care, concern, and expertise.
In my spare time, I love to train at the gym, enjoy hiking and going for walks, spend time with my family and explore cafes and restaurants.

Health Improvement Practitioner
Kia ora, My role as a HIP is to work with people of all ages and stages to educate and collaborate with people to make changes to their behaviours which lead to improved mental, emotional and physical health. HIP appointments are free of charge and can really help people to get “unstuck” so that can start to move forward.
I am registered nurse and psychotherapist. My past roles include work with those with disabilities both physical and intellectual, the area of perimenopause, and in private practice as a holistic mental well-being practitioner.
In my spare time I mountain bike, sew and go dancing!

Community Support Worker
Kia Ora, my name is Bhargavi, but I prefer to go by Krishna.
I have completed my post graduate diploma in Health Promotion at Victoria University, Wellington. I have had several years of experience in diet counselling and promoting healthy lifestyle in my home country India.
I moved to New Zealand in 2020 and instantly fell in love with its beauty and the people. I was fascinated to know that the Maori culture share some similarities to my own culture. However, it is still a work in progress developing my knowledge of the Maori culture.
As a Community Support Worker, I strive to create a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to explore their thoughts and emotions with compassion and respect. I believe in supporting individuals in their journey towards self-discovery, empowerment, and ultimately a more fulfilling life.
When I am not at work, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, and exploring New Zealand with my loved ones.

Dionne Delacey
Outreach Nurse
I am passionate about patient centred, culturally sensitive and holistic care, maintaining the health and wellbeing of patients to enable them to remain independent for as long as possible and in their own homes.
My role as an outreach nurse is a about reaching out and working in partnership with other primary care professionals to offer equitable access to health and disability services for our patients to maintain their health and wellbeing.
These include Maori and Pasifika people and those with high needs, such as long-term conditions, disabilities, and they those patients that are not accessing primary health care services for whatever reason. With the objective of avoiding hospital admissions as much as possible.
I enjoy spending time with family, nature walks, Snowboarding, Yoga, Stained glass art and Zumba dance fitness.

Accounts administrator

Clinical Assistant

Angela Wilson
Practice Manager
I have been the Practice Manager of Linden Surgery and Tawa Medical Centre for over a decade.
It is inspiring and a pleasure to work with teams from both sites who are committed to providing the best medical care they can to the Linden and Tawa communities.

Yvette Hansen

Our reception team
From left to right;
Alovale (team leader), Evet, Alex, Bridgette, Donna, Heseti.